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Lanzisera Center  is located at 17 Davis Blvd. Suite 304, Tampa, Fl. 33606
(813) 253-2333

by Drs. Frank and Lisa Lanzisera

One of the more common symptoms of thyroid disorders is the patient's inability to lose weight. Typically, this is the first clue that something is wrong. Often, the patient is told that the weight will come off once thyroid replacement medication is started. Unfortunately, this doesn't usually occur and the weight gains continue despite "normal" TSH levels. It may seem to the patient that it doesn't matter how little they eat or how much they exercise, the weight gain won't go away.

Changes in Brain Chemistry and Intestinal Hyper-permeability
Hunger is intricately tied to your brain chemistry. Your hypothalamus senses you need energy and issues the brain neurotransmitter, neuropeptide Y (NPY), with the message "eat carbohydrates." The surge of NPY is what you experience as "hunger," Once the hypothalamus senses you've eaten enough carbohydrates, it releases serotonin to tell the body "enough carbohydrates." 

But this system can be dramatically altered by several factors, all of which can be present in chronic thyroid disease:
•Your metabolism is too slow for the appetite level set by your brain. Thyroid disease slows down the metabolism. What your brain perceives as appropriate food intake levels can then exceed your body's metabolism, creating weight gain. 
•Your body is under stress, which interferes with the neurotransmitter functions, and is known to reduce the release of serotonin. 
. 95% of your serotonin is not produced in your brain but in your gut. "Leaky Gut" is hyperpermeability of the intestinal lining and can be caused by food sensitivities, especially wheat gluten sensitivity. Damage to the intestinal lining can lower serotonin production.

Summary: You can't diet your way out of this problem. The gut and brain issues need to be resolved first. Food sensitivity testing, nutritonal counseling, brain based therapy, cortisol testing, and specific dietary modifications are ways to effectively treat this problem. Contact us for more information.

Excerpt from Dr. Lanzisera's Thyroid Report, "THYROID DISORDERS EXPLAINED, Why Do I Still have Symptoms?"

First, let’s learn more about how the thyroid works...

In healthy people, the thyroid makes just the right amounts of two hormones, T3 and T4. These hormones have important actions throughout the body. Most importantly, they regulate many aspects of our metabolism, affecting how many calories we burn, how warm we feel, how much we weigh…and our general well-being. 

In short, the thyroid "runs" our metabolism—it’s literally the “gas pedal” of the body.

Thyroid hormones also have direct effects on most organs, including the heart which beats faster and harder under the influence of increased thyroid hormones (this is why heart problems can often accompany chronic thyroid problems in women, and perhaps why heart problems are more common in women under the age of 50).
T3 is the more biologically active hormone (it’s more important for cellular function), and in fact most of T4 (80%) is converted to T3 in the body’s peripheral tissues. So T4 is just a precursor for the more active hormone, T3.
One of the problems in some thyroid disorders is that you may have trouble converting T4 to T3 in your tissues (have you been checked for this?). This can create a deficiency of T3, disrupting the body’s ability to properly regulate metabolism…leading to specific symptoms.
The symptoms of thyroid disorders, including hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's, vary from extreme fatigue to dry, thinning hair. Thyroid disorders can affect the way we look, the way we feel, and even the way we think.

Some of the more common symptoms are fatigue, cold hands and feet, requiring excessive sleep, gaining weight easily, neck and back pain, constipation, depression,headaches, thinning hair, dry skin, heavy or irregular menstrual periods.

There are other symptoms that are less often associated with a thyroid problem as in a hoarse or raspy voice, yellow tinge to the skin, slower thinking, slower movement or speech, slow heart rate, and infertility.


Excerpt from Dr. Lanzisera's THYROID REPORT "Thyroid Disorders Explained, Why Do I Still Have Symptoms?":

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is a condition in which the body’s immune system attacks the thyroid gland (this is an auto-immune disorder). It is diagnosed by checking for thyroid antibodies (TPO & TGB). Hashimoto’s is not a thyroid disease but an immune system disorder and the most common autoimmune disorder. As Dr. Datis Kharrazian DC, MS states in his book, "Why Do I Still Have My Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests Are Normal?", when addressing an autoimmune disorder like

 Hashimoto’s, the goal is to restore balance to the immune system. The foundation of care is to support a patient’s overall health. Unstable blood sugar, gut dysbiosis (abnormal gut bacteria), and poor adrenal health worsen an autoimmune condition. Removing gluten from the diet is also vital given the studied links between Hashimoto’s and gluten intolerance. The causes of thyroid disorders need to be determined for individualized treatments to be initiated.

Taken together, autoimmune diseases strike women three times more than men. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis effects 10 women for every man.  

"I customize each patient’s thyroid natural treatment plan with a combination of brain based therapy (BBT) to improve functional brain imbalances and nutritional supplementation and dietary modification to aid metabolic dysfunction that is found through lab testing.

I look forward to helping improve and change your life!"

Dr. Frank Lanzisera, D.C., DNMSc.

 Dr. Lanzisera will consult with
you about the details of your case, perform a thorough physical examination, and discuss his findings with you.
Don't delay, call or email us to schedule your appointment with Dr. Lanzisera today.

Hello...I'm Dr. Frank Lanzisera, co-author of the  thyroid book "What's Wrong With My Thyroid?"and I'd like you to know that my office is a place you can come for information and help.

I regularly present seminars on thyroid disorders. If you'd like to register for one of these seminars, please use the contact form on this page or call 813-253-2333.

Thyroid Symptoms

Symptoms involving the thyroid, whether they stem  from hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or Hashimoto's disease, reflect the damage to the various systems  and organs of the body.

Damage to the thyroid gland affects the body's basal metabolic rate.  As a result, weight can be gained easily as in hypothyroidism or lost easily as in hyperthyroidism. Hashimoto's disease can cause both weight loss and weight gain depending on the phase of autoimmune destruction of the thyroid. 
Cold hands and feet are related to a low metabolism as in hypothyroidism while feeling hot can be linked to hyperthyroidism. Dry skin is another related symptom to thyroid disorders.

Cardiovascular System (Circulatory system)
The cardiovascular system responds to minimal changes in the amount of circulating thyroid hormones in the blood. 
Hyperthyroidism induces a hyper-dynamic cardiovascular state which manifests by a faster heart rate, higher systolic and diastolic function (higher blood pressure), atrial fibrillation, and reduced exercise performance.
Hypothyroidism is characterized by the reverse - a slowed heart rate and lower blood pressure. With lowered thyroid hormones in circulation there is an increased risk of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction (heart attack).
Insomnia is often associated with  hyperthyroidism. Some of the symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism can make sleep difficult. The stress of having a "racing heart" or palpitations, rapid pulse, and higher blood pressure can cause insomnia. Insomnia can also be related to a decreased amount of serotonin production that is linked to issues in the gut.

Nervous System
The central nervous system can be greatly affected by a thyroid disorder. The central nervous system reacts to both too little and too much thyroid hormones. Too little thyroid hormone causes mental sluggishness or "brain fog" while too much induces anxiety and nervousnessDepression is another symptom that is commonly associated with a thyroid disorder. Hypothyroidism can interrupt normal glucose metabolism which also can cause fatigue, irritability, and light-headedness. To evaluate and treat neurological components of thyroid disorders, we recommend neurofeedback therapy when indicated. To learn more visit

Reproductive System

​Hypothyroidism can be related to heavy menstrual flow, miscarriage, and infertility in women. Hypothyroidism can decrease the absorption of progesterone by the body's cells which can upset the menstrual cycle.

Digestive System
Chronic constipation is a common symptom of hypothyroidism and diarrhea is common in cases of hyperthyroidism. These symptoms are partly due to altered metabolism but also are created by faulty digestion beginning in the stomach. Hypothyroidism can reduce the amount of stomach acid by its effect on the hormone gastrin. When too little gastrin is produced this reduces the amount of hyrdrochloric acid (HC1) or stomach acid. Bloating can result from not enough HC1. 
Leaky gut syndrome and gluten sensitivity are often associated with thyroid disorders. In our office almost 100% of thyroid patients test positive for gluten and other food allergies.

Fatigue can result from hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease for several reasons. Anemia is commonly associated with these two conditions and can result in fatigue but there also impaired glucose metabolism and neurological affects that can decrease the body's energy.
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​*D.NMSc. - This certification has been obtained through a private organization not recognized or affiliated with the Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine

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